Sunday, June 19, 2016

Case Study 3: Companies Exporting Rubber Trees

Latex Companies in Phuket

The process of making latex and making the latex into each product requires time and effort. During the start of the rubber tree plantation you can only cut out the latex from the rubber tree when it is 150 centimeters away from the ground and 50 centimeters thick. You'd have to cut 30-35 degrees downwards to tap out the latex. Rubber tree tappers would wake up extra early to change the cup and to cut more latex. 

After they collect the latex, they then put it through machineries and make new everyday products to be exported and sold by big companies which then goes to homes and people use them. Phuket has many latex companies such as Phuket Orchid Latex, G.M Latex Phuket and Real Phuket Latex which mainly sells latex furnitures and products for homes. 

G.M latex Phuket is a company which sells mattresses for health and is located in Chalong. It exports cloths made from rubber. Phuket Orchid Latex is a company that also produces rubber beds and other rubber products. This company started on the 23rd of February 2015 and has started with 1,000,000 baht. It is located in Ratsada, Mueang.

People living in Phuket rely on the rubber companies, not only for the usage of the product, but also for jobs to pay for families. Rubber companies had a huge influence in the Phuket history, for trading and exporting products to other countries. Without the rubber trees, Phuket would not be as it is like today, both physically and economically. People developed jobs out of it and if they weren't any rubber trees, where would the people get their money from? Therefore, rubber trees were and are very important to Thailand and Phuket.

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